Reading Buffet Book 1 附MP3光碟1片口碑必買
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Reading Buffet Book 1 附MP3光碟1片口碑必買 開箱文 博客來網路書店
內容簡介: Reading Buffet Book 1 is the first of a set of two books aimed at young learners of English at the intermediate level. The main focus is on reading comprehension with additional focus on listening, speaking, and writing. Each unit is based on a practical topic of high interest to the learners. The questions and exercises prompt learners to fully understand the text and to develop their language proficiency across all four skills.
* High-interest topics such as famous buildings, food, customs, vegetables and fruit, animals, and many more.* Comprehension questions including critical reading skills.博客來網路書店* Vocabulary-building and grammar checking tasks.博客來書店* Additional listening, speaking, and writing tasks.* Suitable for classroom or self-study use.* More than 100 lively illustrations to bring the topics to life.Includes audio CD featuring all the main reading texts plus additional listening tasks.Features of the units include:* Getting StartedQuestions to facilitate motivation and to introduce the topic of the unit.* Reading* Comprehension Check
Questions to help learners fully understand the text.博客來網路書局* Thinking Corner
Discussion activities on issues raised in the text.* Vocabulary, Idioms, and Phrases
Definitions of unfamiliar words, phrases, and idioms, with example sentences.* Word Power
Additional words 博客來related to the topic of the unit.* Grammar
Systematic introduction of basic grammar.* Sentence Patterns
Introduction to sentence patterns appearing in the text, with practice exercises.* Life Skills
Real-life readings or documents such as maps, advertisements, maps, and bank statements.* Conversation
An additional listening and speaking task on a topic related to the main text.* Writing Corner
Exercises to develop writing skills.
Reading Buffet Book 1 附MP3光碟1片口碑必買 好書推薦 博客來網路書店
- 新功能介紹 作者: Maosung Lin/主編
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2012/12/11
- 語言:英文
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Reading Buffet Book 1 附MP3光碟1片口碑必買
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